This past weekend we were up at my parents, who the boys call Papa and Dee Dee. We arrived later Friday night and to Kyle's surprise Papa and Dee Dee had a surprise for him. The last weekend we were up north another family was there and their girls had the handheld video game nintendo DS. Well, Kyle fell in love, not with the girls but with the DS. Don and I have decided we are not ready to monitor the use of a DS at home so are not planning to buy Kyle a DS anytime soon. Well to Kyle's surprise, Papa bought himself a DS and is willing to share it with Kyle when he come to visit. Papa even bought Kyle a game he loves to play. Boy Kyle is sure lucky to have such a great papa who is willing to share...his new kid toy :).
Again this weekend we headed to the ski slopes. On Saturday we got there and the parking lot was full except for the handicap spots. Kyle says "Why can't we park in the handicap spot? Papa is old." We all got a good laugh including papa. Then Kyle and Papa were off for a day of skiing together while Don and I worked with Ryan. They are now skiing the blue runs. YEA!!

Ryan has been amazing on skies. He has gotten the concept down and now he does not want any help even getting off the chair lift. I think next time we are going to be off the bunny hill and ready to hit a green run. Dee Dee came and skied with us Sunday, she was so surprised at how well Ryan was doing. Dee Dee actually asked to go in before Ryan did. I think Dee Dee and Ryan will be great ski partners in the future....they both love the hot chocolate :).

We are so blessed to have such wonderful people (yes mom and dad I am talking about you) in our lives. Thank you for all you do for and with us.
We head out Saturday for a week in the sun in Grand Cayman. We are all excited to go visit Uncle Matt (my brother) and Aunt Tomeaka and we are very excited to sit in the warm sun.
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